Deciding to sell your home and move into a retirement community is a big decision. It’s normal to feel a mix of emotions—some good and some not so good. The act of moving, itself, is a major life event. But if you’re relocating from your family’s home into a retirement community, you may feel anxious… Read more
Estate planning isn’t always the most popular subject around the dinner table, but it’s certainly one of the most important. As the holidays approach, and we find ourselves spending more time with loved ones, thoughts of the type of legacy we’ll leave behind to them may start to creep into the back of our minds…. Read more
September 12-18, 2021 is National Assisted Living Week. This is an important reminder for all of us about the invaluable role that assisted living plays in our lives, communities, and country. What Is Assisted Living Week? ALW was established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) to help spread awareness about long-term… Read more
As your family grows, it becomes almost natural to acquire more things: a second car, a larger new home, an inground pool, a backyard patio, a camper/RV, etc. When we’re young and raising a family, it’s as if “stuff” just starts to accumulate without much notice. But what happens when you reach retirement age and… Read more
Whether you consider yourself a dog or cat person, both animals offer many health benefits for seniors. Here are some fun facts about owning a pet, especially as you near retirement. What are the Advantages of Having a Dog or Cat? According to studies conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative, both dogs and… Read more
After the last frost of the year, many of us are eager to get outdoors and get our hands dirty with some annual planting and gardening. There’s nothing more rewarding than the smell of perennials, fresh vegetables, or home-grown herbs filling your outdoor space, as you relax on your patio or deck to admire your… Read more
Balancing a checkbook and saving for the future are all tedious tasks but very important ones, especially as you near retirement. Though there are many opportunities available to help you plan and pay for retirement living, wading through all the options can be daunting, even with the guidance of a financial expert. To help you… Read more
Last month, we shared an article on the hot sellers’ market we’re seeing take place across the United States. And what we’re learning is it hasn’t slowed down yet. We wanted to talk to another expert in real estate to get an insider’s scoop on what’s happening in the market, and what this means for… Read more
Homeowners are experiencing a hot sellers’ market across the country. In fact, we’re hearing stories every day that people are receiving cash offers for their homes before they’re even listed. Many properties that are active and on the market are selling for higher than their original asking price. What Does This Mean for You? If… Read more
Living life to its fullest potential, and to the best of your ability, is important at any age. But when you reach retirement age, your abilities change, your needs grow, and living an active lifestyle becomes much more challenging. When this happens, people start to think about the prospect of senior living communities. And though there… Read more