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Benefits of Friendship as You Age

Benefits of Friendship as You Age

Seniors and staff members working together to gather food items for charity

Friendship is a vital component of a fulfilling life at any age, but it becomes increasingly important as we grow older. The benefits of maintaining and nurturing friendships in later years are multifaceted, impacting physical health, mental well-being, emotional stability, and overall quality of life. Here, we explore the myriad ways in which friendship enriches… Read more

Embracing Active Aging: The Health Benefits for Senior Citizens

Two senior citizens exercising in the wellness center

As senior living experts with over three decades of experience, Sweetwater has witnessed firsthand the remarkable transformations that occur when older adults embrace an active lifestyle. In this blog, we’ll delve into the profound health benefits that come with staying active as we age. With advancements in technology making it easier than ever to incorporate… Read more

Navigating the Delicate Transition: Seniors and Driving

Senior couple getting help unloading groceries from their vehicle

The decision for seniors to give up their car keys is a delicate and often challenging transition. Driving represents independence and freedom, so the prospect of relinquishing this privilege can be emotionally charged for both the senior and their family. This blog aims to provide comprehensive insights, strategies, and considerations for families dealing with this… Read more

Best Family Card Games for All Ages

People of different ages playing family card games at table.

Did you know that card games are one of the easiest ways to introduce intergenerational activities into your home or community?  The reason? Playing cards offer cognitive benefits to children, adults, and seniors, alike. After all, most games require players to use math, categorize and sort cards, memorize sets, and problem-solve—all while having fun together. … Read more

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